Santy Guiao

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Santy Guiao


Santy Guiao served 20 years of distinguished service in the US Army with over 12 years with Army Special Forces; speaks fluent Tagalog; experience in Middle East, Southwest and Southeast Asia; over 12 years training and combat experience in both HUMINT Intelligence, Preparation of the Environment (PE), Counter-Terrorism Operations.

Led instruction and collective training to over 100 Marine Special Operation Critical Skill Operators (CSO) in preparation for operational deployments, Special Activities, advanced reconnaissance skills, patrolling, mission planning, small unit tactics, CQB, explosive demolitions/breaching, foreign weapons, crew served weapons, mortars and rockets.

As the Team Sergeant for a Special Forces Operational Detachment-Alpha specializing in Military Free Fall operations, Foreign Internal Defense (FID), Unconventional Warfare, and Direct Action in the CENTCOM and PACOM Area of Responsibilities. Served as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to Afghan Special Operations Unit responsible for mentoring their senior leadership during combat operations and training.

During his tenure as a Team Sergeant developed a comprehensive Instructor Development Course for senior Philippine Drug Enforcement Agents during Counter Narco-Terrorism training in the Republic of the Philippines, directly supporting US DEA and SOCPAC objectives.